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Vayeishev/Chanuka: Olives and Oil ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Olives and Oil During these days of Chanuka, everybody is talking about the miracle of the Menorah and the jug of shemen zayit zach (pure...
Mikeitz: Chanukah wisdom ~ Wonders of The Holy Tongue
Article abstract: In the Torah portion Miketz, the word "חכם" (wise) appears for the first time in Scripture - used by Pharaoh to...
Mikeitz/Chanukah: Playing with Fire ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Playing with Fire When telling of the future downfall of the descendants of Esau, the prophet Ovadiah (Obadiah 1:18) refers to the House...
Terumah/Yom Kippur: To Cover up or to Clean Up, That is the Question ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Terumah: This week's Parashah acutely delineates the makeup and measurements of the Tabernacle and its...
Terumah/Rosh Chodesh Adar: The Beauty of Adar ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
This week ushers in the month of Adar in all its glory. Like all the months of the Jewish calendar, the name Adar is derived from the...
Tetzaveh/Purim: For Crying Out Loud ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
When Esav found out that the blessing from his father Yitzchak had been given to Yaakov, Esav “cried out a great and bitter cry” (Genesis...
Tazria-HaChodesh: Old Month versus New Month ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
This Shabbat we read Parshat HaChodesh, the last of four special Torah readings before Pesach. Parshat HaChodesh establishes Nissan as...
Behar: Words of Redemption ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The end of Leviticus speaks about different forms of redemption in the legal sense. It mentions the rights — or even commandments — of...
Behaalotacha: Pesach Sheni, Absent-Minded Passover? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
This week's Torah portion discusses the highly unusual opportunity to fulfil a biblical precept -the Passover offering- who's...
Shelach/Yom Kippur: Pardon Me? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Shelach: Pardon Me? לע“נשלמהבנימיןבןרפאלתנצב“ה Three words are used to generally describe forgiveness and atonement: סליחה, מחילה, כפרה....
Chanukah: Spinning in Concentric Circles ~ Reuven Chaim Klein
Long before the fidget spinner became the world’s favorite pastime, Jewish children played with spinning tops on the holiday of Chanuka....
Chanukah: Chinuch and Chanukah, Walking with Hashem ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Chanukahחַנֻכָּה Chinuch and Chanukah, Walking with Hashem חִנוּךְ: beginning חַנוֹךְ: Chanoch חִנוּךְ: education חַנֻכָּה: Chanukah...
Yom Kippur: Degrees of Sin ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Throughout the Yom Kippur services we repeatedly confess our sins and beg for forgiveness. In doing so, we mimic the confessionals of...
Coronavirus: Plague of Plagues ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The fifth plague that G-d had wrought upon the Egyptians is known as dever. In English this word is commonly translated as “pestilence”,...
Rosh HaShannah: A Tale of Two Beginnings ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Mishnah teaches that on Rosh Hashana all the inhabitants of the world pass before G-d like the animals of a corral, and G-d passes...
Sukkot: Gog’s Impervious Roof Versus Israel’s Flimsy Thatched Sukkah ~ Yehoshua Steinber
Sukkot: Gog’s Impervious Roof Versus Israel’s Flimsy Thatched Sukkah (The following is in the main an adaptation of Rabbi S. R. Hirsch’s...
Rosh Hashanah: The Shofar’s Blast and Satan’s Crash ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The Talmud(1) states: למה תוקעין ומריעין כשהן יושבין, ותוקעין ומריעין כשהן עומדין? כדי לערבב השטן. Why (do the Jews) blow the shofar...
Shavuot: The Festival of Weeks ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Festival of Shavuot is known under many different names. Although these names are all synonyms for the holiday, each name focuses on...
Pesach: Jumping for Joy! ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Hebrew name for the holiday of Passover is Pesach. The Paschal Sacrifice with which the holiday is associated is likewise known as...
Shavuot: Sinai by Another Name ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
We are all probably familiar with the name of the site of the greatest mass revelation of G-d’s existence — Mount Sinai. However,...
Shavuot: Preparing for Kabbalas HaTorah ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Shavuos שָׁבֻעוֹת Preparing for Kabbalas HaTorah כִּלָה: finish, complete כְּלִי: receiving vessel תַּכְלִית: purpose תְּכֵלֶת:...
Shavuot: The Mountain of Many Names ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
We are all probably familiar with the name of the site of the greatest mass revelation of G-d’s existence—Mount Sinai. However,...
Lag B’Omer: Putting the Bar in Bar Mitzvah ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
On Lag B’Omer, Jews all over the world celebrate Rashbi’s hillula. Rashbi, of course, is an acronym for the Tannaic sage, Rabbi...
Pesach: The Pele(wonder) of Pesach — “And It Makes Me Wonder” ~ Tzvi Abrahams
פֶּלֶא: wonder נְפִילָה: falling פִּיל: elephant תְּפִילָה: prayer הִפְלָה: separate, distinctive פֶּלֶא: Wonder There are foolish people...
Pesach: Jumping for Passover (Part 2/2) ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
We mentioned in Part 1 that the Hebrew name for the holiday of Passover is Pesach and the sacrifice associated with that holiday is...
Pesach: Cutting the Sea Open ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
On the Seventh Day of Passover, we read one of the most captivating stories in the entire Bible: the splitting of the sea. After the...
Is Pesach really Passover?
Yehoshua Steinberg I. Merciful Skipping שמ’ יב:יג – וראיתי את הדם ופסחתי עלכם. Ex. 12:13 – I will see the blood and pass over you. מכילתא...
Geula: emancipation or Expulsion?
Geula: emancipation or Expulsion? I. You Can Take Slaves out of the country, but… The Zohar Chadash tells of two types of salvation in...
Pesach: Liberty and Freedom for All ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Holiday of Passover, when the Jewish People were emancipated from slavery in Egypt, is described in our liturgy as Zman Cheiruteinu,...
Pesach: Is Pesach really Passover? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Merciful Skipping שמ’ יב:יג – וראיתי את הדם ופסחתי עלכם. Ex. 12:13 – I will see the blood and pass over you. מכילתא (בא פרשה ז): וראיתי...
Pesach: Geula – Emancipation or Expulsion? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
You Can Take Slaves out of the country, but… The Zohar Chadash tells of two types of salvation in Egypt: זוהר חדש (פ’ יתרו, דף נב.): אני...
Purim: All in the Name of the King! ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Purim טֶבַע: nature מַטְבֵּעַ: coin לִטְבּוֹעַ: to drown, sink טַבַּעַת: ring טֶבַע: Nature If you have ever witnessed a total solar...
Purim: Party Hearty ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Each of the three meals that we eat on Shabbat (Tractate Shabbat 117b) is called a seudah. On Purim we also have a festive meal, but that...
Pesach: Attack of the Locust ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The eighth of ten plagues which G-d brought upon the Egyptians in the lead-up to the Exodus was the Plague of Arbeh — locust. Locust is...
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