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Yehoshua Steinberg
Bereishit: And Behold, It Was Very Stable ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article Abstract: The word טוב appears more times in Parashat Breishit than in any other – but what does the word actually mean? "Good"...
Noach: A New Beginning Delayed? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Noach: In his Sefer Hashorashim, Radak assigns one word in one verse in our Parashah to two different roots...
Lech Lecha: Run, Lot Run ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Lech Lecha: In this week's Parashah, we are introduced to Abraham's nephew, Lot. What is the meaning of his name,...
Vayeira: Abraham’s Legacy of Paradox (Not language-connected) ~Yehoshua Steinberg
Which is the true Abraham - the Abraham of the beginning of this week's Torah Sidra, in which defends the wicked Sodomites in a...
Chayei Sarah: Tasteful Tasting ~ The Wonders of the Holy Tongue
Article abstract: Parashat Chayei Sarah contains two rare words: 1. Eliezer, Abraham's servant, in requesting a drink of water from...
Toldot: Heal, Esau! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The battle between Esau and Jacob, first introduced to us in Parashat Toldot, is far beyond sibling rivalry or a personal struggle - it...
Vayeitzei: The Unique Flock ~ The Wonders of the Holy Tongue
Our Parashah, Vayeitzei, focuses in the main on the life of Jacob our father, a shepherd by profession. Jacob was not the first of the...
Vayishlach: Quiet, Deaf Men Planning to Plow! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract: The Torah in Parashat Vayishlach recounts the violation of Dinah Bat Yaakov by Shechem Ben Hamor. Then, Scripture...
Vayeishev: A Compromised Article ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
בר’ מ:ח-וַיֹּאמְרוּ אֵלָיו חֲלוֹם חָלַמְנוּ וּפֹתֵר אֵין אֹתוֹ וַיֹּאמֶר אֲלֵהֶם יוֹסֵף הֲלוֹא לֵאלֹהִים פִּתְרֹנִים סַפְּרוּ נָא לִי....
Mikeitz: Chanukah wisdom ~ Wonders of The Holy Tongue
Article abstract: In the Torah portion Miketz, the word "חכם" (wise) appears for the first time in Scripture - used by Pharaoh to...
Vayigash: Confused About Crying ~ The Wonders of the Holy Tongue
Article abstract: Parashat Vayigash relates the emotional scene of Joseph reveals his true identity to his brothers. With emotions often...
Vayechi: Relative Kindness? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Vayechi: On his deathbed, Jacob asks his beloved son Joseph to swear that he will bury him in the land of...
Shemot: Forever Building! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract: In Parashat Shemot, the word "הָאָבְנָיִם" appears, denoting a birthing stool. The word also appears in the Book of...
Va’era: Positively Divided! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The root פלה first appears in this week’s Parsha, and it appears here twice, which is more than any other Parsha in the Torah. The first...
Bo: I Desire it ‘Na’ Now, Even Half-Baked ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Bo: The word נא appears in Parashat Bo four times, with arguably three disparate meanings. Yet, Rashi...
Beshalach: Manna at the Ready ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract: Parashat Beshalach is the portion of the Exodus and the Splitting of the Red Sea; it is also the portion of the Manna,...
Yitro: Excruciating Elation ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Yitro: This week's Parashah opens with an apparently clear statement describing Jethro's joy about Hashem's...
Mishpatim: Duck, Duck… Justice! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Mishpatim: This weeks portion is dedicated in large measure to teaching righteousness, defining what is...
Terumah/Yom Kippur: To Cover up or to Clean Up, That is the Question ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Terumah: This week's Parashah acutely delineates the makeup and measurements of the Tabernacle and its...
Tetzaveh: Guarded Closure, Hopeful Beginning ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article Abstract: Among the priestly garments and accoutrements listed in Parashat Tetzaveh is the High Priest's breastplate of judgment,...
Ki Tisa: Year of the Monkey? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Ki Tissa: We are introduced in this Parashah to the Festival of Gathering, an alternative name for the...
Vayakhel: Wandering Infrastructure ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Vayakhel: Wandering Infrastructure Article abstract for Parashat Vayakhel: This week's Parashah tells of the actual construction of the...
Vayakhel~Pekudai: The Breastplate-Canyon Connection – Yehoshua Steinberg
Exodus 35:24 – They attached (וַיִרְכְּסוּ) the Breastplate (Choshen) from its rings to the rings of the Ephod with a turquoise string,...
Pekudei: Up Up – But Not Away ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
פרשת השבוע מספרת על קיומו של משה של מצוות ה' לייצר את המשכן ואת כל תשתיותיו וכליו. בין המרכיבים הללו היה החושן של הכהן הגדול, שהיה חייב...
Tzav: Focus Is Fire ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Tzav This week's Torah Portion describes the procedure for the sacrifice of birds to as implemented by the Kohen, namely to nip off its...
Shemini: The Simple Son: Dense or Perfect? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
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Tazria: Of Lepers and Grasshoppers ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article Abstract: The root גבח appears in all of Scripture only in this week’s Torah portion, Tazria, in connection with the “leprosy”...
Metzora: The Place Where I Belong, My Ken ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Metzora: As part of the leper’s purification process following his affliction with tazraat, this week’s portion...
Acharei Mot: Mixed Up and Worn out ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The word “tevel”(תבל) appears once in Parashat Acharei Mot and once in Parshat Kedoshim, and nowhere else in the Pentateuch. In both...
Kedoshim: Sacrifice Delayed, Sacrifice Denied - Yehoshua Steinberg
A discussion of the rare scriptural word פגול (abominable, loathsome), and its relationship with the range of other words containing the...
Emor: Branching Out ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
אנו מתנצלים על ההפוגה בפרסום המאמרים בשבועות האחרונים עקב פטירתה של אמו האהובה ע"ה של הרב שטיינברג. אצילותה, רוחה ונשמתה האיתנה, ואהבתה...
Behar: Melted Heart – Yehoshua Steinberg
What is the connection between נמוך (low, short) and הכאה (hitting) and ניכוי (diminishment)? Also, what does the verse (Ps. 106:43)...
Bechukotai: Happy Ending / New Beginning ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The root יסף denotes addition / expansion, as do many other words containing the two-letter ס-פ string. By contrast, other words...
Behaalotacha: Pesach Sheni, Absent-Minded Passover? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
This week's Torah portion discusses the highly unusual opportunity to fulfil a biblical precept -the Passover offering- who's...
Shelach/Yom Kippur: Pardon Me? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Shelach: Pardon Me? לע“נשלמהבנימיןבןרפאלתנצב“ה Three words are used to generally describe forgiveness and atonement: סליחה, מחילה, כפרה....
Korach: Concomitant Connection and Chasm ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Following the start of Korach's mutiny, Moses told him to bring an incense offering, קטורת in Hebrew. Why was קטורת chosen as an...
Chukat: Settling on a Bite ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Following the Israelites' murmuring against the manna sent from heaven, God dispatched snakes to bite them. The word "נשיכה" appears only...
Balak: Doubt, hitting, abundance/satiation ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Someone sent me the following question: Anyone knows why do doubt and satisfaction, ספק וסיפוק, share the same Hebrew root? Answer: very...
Balak: A Short but Revelatory Article ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Numbers 22:32 – And the angel of the Lord said to him, Why did you strike your she-donkey these three times? Behold, I went out to...
Balak: A Hollow Curse ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The bulk of the Torah portion "Balak" concerns Bilaam cursing Israel. The primary word used for cursing though is the highly unsual term...
Pinchas: An Expansive Lesson on Constriction ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Pinchas: Moses is commanded: " צרור (oppress / distress) the Midianites… for they have oppressed you." The...
Mattot: Kol Nidrei… a Few Months Early ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
“And if her father deterred (הניא) her… and G-d will forgive her because her father deterred (הניא) her” (Num. 30:6). “And if, on the day...
Massei: Round and Round it Goes ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
This shall be for you the northern border: from the Great Sea תְּתָאוּ to Mount Hor. From Mount Hor תְּתָאוּ to the approach to Hamath …...
Devarim: Tofel or Bust! – Yehoshua Steinberg
Tophel or Bust! Abstract for Parashat Devarim Essay: The Torah relates that Moses spoke with the Israelites "between Paran and between...
Va'etchanan: Beware of Different Kinds of Guarding – Yehoshua Steinberg
We encounter an unexpected phenomenon in this week's portion: two derivatives of the same root, שמר (guarding), in a single verse,...
Eikev: Whipped-Up Anger? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Abstract for Parashat Eikev essay: There are many synonyms for anger in the Hebrew language. This article examines one of them in depth...
Eikev: Comforting Anger? – Yehoshua Steinberg
Parshat Eikev – Whipped-Up Anger The root ketzef(קצף) appears in Parashat Eikev more times than in any other Parsha, as follows: Moses...
Re’eh: The Slippery Year? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Re'eh: The word שמיטה (shemita), mentioned in our Parashah, refers to the Sabbatical year, during which the...
Shoftim: A Shifty Article ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Parashat Shoftim article abstract: Regarding the laws concerning accidental manslaughter, the Torah relates the case of a blade flying...
Ki Teitzei: Get Connected ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Parashat Shoftim article abstract: This week’s Torah portion prohibits the taking of a widow’s clothing as security, using the expression...
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