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Shemot: Forever Building! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract: In Parashat Shemot, the word "הָאָבְנָיִם" appears, denoting a birthing stool. The word also appears in the Book of...
Shemot: Prophets and Visionaries ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
When G-d appoints Moshe as His emissary to redeem the Jewish People from their Egyptian bondage, He splits the leadership position into...
Shemot: The Pharaoh and The King ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Photo by Pixabay on The Pharaoh and the King I still remember my fifth grade Rebbe, Rabbi A. Y. Berman, asking the one...
Shemot: Hashem’s Treasure ~ Tzvi Abrahams
For the illui neshamahof my mother, Chaya Rachel basMordechai, on her yahrtzeit, the 17th of Teves, תש”ע Parshasשְׁמוֹת Hashem’s Treasure...
Va’era: Positively Divided! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
The root פלה first appears in this week’s Parsha, and it appears here twice, which is more than any other Parsha in the Torah. The first...
Va'era: Down by the River ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Before bringing the Plague of Blood, G-d tells Aharon to stretch out his staff over the different bodies of water in Egypt. He tells...
Va'era: Just Because ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Just Because Before the Plague of Hail, Moshe warns the Pharaoh that he truly deserves to be killed, but that G-d had said, “nonetheless,...
Va’era: How Do We Give Kavod To Hashem ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Va’era How Do We Give Kavodto Hashem? כָּבֵד: heavy כָּבֵד: liver כָּבוֹד: honor לְכַבֵּד: to clean or sweep the house יוֹכֶבֶד: Moshe’s...
Bo: I Desire it ‘Na’ Now, Even Half-Baked ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Bo: The word נא appears in Parashat Bo four times, with arguably three disparate meanings. Yet, Rashi...
Bo: The Sign is Coming ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
In Parshat Bo there are three signs: The plagues in Egypt are called a “sign” (Ex. 10:1-2), the blood which the Jews were supposed to...
Bo: Turning off the Lights ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Turning off the Lights The ninth plague in Egypt was the plague of darkness. When describing this plague, the Torah relates that G-d told...
Beshalach: Manna at the Ready ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract: Parashat Beshalach is the portion of the Exodus and the Splitting of the Red Sea; it is also the portion of the Manna,...
Beshalach/Tu B’Shvat: Tree Words ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
This upcoming week is a little-known holiday called Tu B’Shevat (the 15th of the month of Shevat). The Mishna (Rosh Hashanah 1:1) says...
Beshalach: Sweet and Pleasant ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Photo by mali maeder on Sweet and Pleasant Not long after the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt, they travelled in the desert for three...
Beshalach: How to Pass the Driving Test ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Bishalach How to Pass the Driving Test נִסָיוֹן: test נֵס: miracle נֵס: banner נוּס: flee נֵס: sail נִיסַן: Nisan נִסָיוֹן: Test...
Yitro: Excruciating Elation ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Yitro: This week's Parashah opens with an apparently clear statement describing Jethro's joy about Hashem's...
Yitro: Myself and I ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Myself and I The Ten Commandments famously open with the words, “I am Hashem your G-d who took you out of Egypt…” (Ex. 20:2). In this...
Yitro: God’s Best Friend ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Midrash tells us that Moshe’s father-in-law Yitro (Jethro) had seven different names by which he is called in the Bible: Yitro,...
Yitro: An Invitation to the Royal Wedding ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Yitro An Invitation to the Royal Wedding הַזְמָנָה: invitation, designation, preparation זִמּוּן: blessing Hashem זְמַן: time מְזוּמָן:...
Mishpatim: Rabbi of Robbers ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Rabbi of Robbers The Amoraic sage Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish, also known as Reish Lakish, serves as the quintessential baal teshuvah, as he...
Mishpatim: Duck, Duck… Justice! ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Mishpatim: This weeks portion is dedicated in large measure to teaching righteousness, defining what is...
Mishpatim: Forever & Ever ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Torah (Ex. 21:6) teaches that if a Hebrew bondsman opts to continue with his master after his initial seven-year indenture, then “his...
Mishpatim: Terms and Conditions for the Never-ending Story ~ Tzvi Abraham
Mishpatim Terms and Conditions for the Never-ending Story סֵפֶר: book, scroll, Torah סִיפּוּר: story לְסַפֵּר: to recount, to tell a...
Terumah/Yom Kippur: To Cover up or to Clean Up, That is the Question ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Terumah: This week's Parashah acutely delineates the makeup and measurements of the Tabernacle and its...
Terumah/Rosh Chodesh Adar: The Beauty of Adar ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
This week ushers in the month of Adar in all its glory. Like all the months of the Jewish calendar, the name Adar is derived from the...
Terumah: Sacred Spaces ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
There are two words which refer to the accumulation of holiness on a spatial level: Mishkan and Mikdash. Although the Talmud (Eruvin 2a)...
Terumah: Connecting Worlds ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Terumah Connecting Worlds מִן הָעוֹלָם עַד הָעוֹלָם חִיבּוּר: connection חֶבְרוֹן: Hebron מְחַבֵּר: writer/connector חָבֵר: friend חָבֵר:...
Tetzaveh/Purim: For Crying Out Loud ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
When Esav found out that the blessing from his father Yitzchak had been given to Yaakov, Esav “cried out a great and bitter cry” (Genesis...
Tetzaveh: Hats and Belts ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Hats and Belts The Torah teaches us about the special garments to be worn by the Kohanim (priests) while performing the ritual duties in...
Tetzaveh: Guarded Closure, Hopeful Beginning ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article Abstract: Among the priestly garments and accoutrements listed in Parashat Tetzaveh is the High Priest's breastplate of judgment,...
Tetzaveh: Do You Make The Cut? ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Titzaveh Parshasתְּצַוֶה Do You Make the Cut? חָרַשׁ: craftsman חַרִישָׁה: plow חַרָשִׁים:wise men חֵרֵשׁ: deaf person חָרַשׁ: Craftsman...
Ki Tisa: Year of the Monkey? ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Article abstract for Parashat Ki Tissa: We are introduced in this Parashah to the Festival of Gathering, an alternative name for the...
Ki Tisa: Mercy or Pity? ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
As Moshe prayed to G-d to forgive the Jewish People for sinning at the golden calf, G-d revealed to Moshe His Thirteen Attributes of...
Ki Tisa: Spiritual Weight Watchers ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Ki Tisa Spiritual Weight Watchers שֶׁקֶל: silver coin מִשְׁקַל: weight, weighing scales שָׁקוּל: equal, balanced שַׁקְלָא וְטַרִיָא: give...
Ki Tisa: Divine Dictator or Populist King ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Divine Dictator or Populist King After Joseph told his brothers about his dreams, which seemed to foretell Joseph’s eventual rise to...
Vayakhel: Wandering Infrastructure ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
Vayakhel: Wandering Infrastructure Article abstract for Parashat Vayakhel: This week's Parashah tells of the actual construction of the...
Vayakhel~Pekudai: The Breastplate-Canyon Connection – Yehoshua Steinberg
Exodus 35:24 – They attached (וַיִרְכְּסוּ) the Breastplate (Choshen) from its rings to the rings of the Ephod with a turquoise string,...
Vaykahel/-Shekalim: The Glory of Adar ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Beauty of Adar This upcoming week ushers in the month of Adar in all its glory. Like all the months of the Jewish calendar, the name...
Vayakhel/Pekudai: The Clothes Making the Man ~ Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
The Malbim and others explain how a bevy of apparent synonyms for “clothing” actually differ from one another. As many commentators note,...
Vayakhel: Horns of Pride ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Vayakhel Horns of Pride קֶרֶן: horn קֶרֶן זוית: corner קֶרֶן: value, principle קֶרֶן אור: ray קֶרֶן: pride קֶרֶן: Horn וַיַּעַשׂ אֶת...
Pekudei: Up Up – But Not Away ~ Yehoshua Steinberg
פרשת השבוע מספרת על קיומו של משה של מצוות ה' לייצר את המשכן ואת כל תשתיותיו וכליו. בין המרכיבים הללו היה החושן של הכהן הגדול, שהיה חייב...
Pekudei: The Ring of Servitude ~ Tzvi Abrahams
Pekudei עֵגֶל: calf עַגָלָה: cart עֶגְלוֹן: Eglon, king of Moav מַעַגַל: circle עֵגֶל: Calf אֵלֶּה פְקוּדֵי הַמִּשְׁכָּן מִשְׁכַּן...
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