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yehoshua steinberg
Feb 22, 2021
What’s the connection between שאלה and שאול (Sheol and Shaul) from root ש.א.ל.?
What’s the connection between שאלה and שאול (Sheol and Shaul) from root ש.א.ל.?
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Kol Tuv, Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein Beitar Illit
ANSWER: R’ Shlomo Papenheim (in Cheshek Shlomo and Yeriot Shlomo), holds that the underlying root of ‘שאל’ is actually the biliteral ‘של’, meaning that the aleph (one of the weak האמנתי”ו letters) is extraneous despite its middle position in the word. ‘של’ essentially means removing, as in שַׁל נְעָלֶיךָ (שמות ג:ה) – “remove”, from the root ‘נשל’ according to Radak (as in: וְנָשַׁל הַבַּרְזֶל מִן הָעֵץ [דברים יט:ה] “flying off,” וְנָשַׁל גּוֹיִם רַבִּים מִפָּנֶיךָ [שם ז:א] – “cast away”). The following is how he suggests שאול and שאלה are connected to ‘של’.
From the essential meaning of “removal” comes שאול, a place where the body is removed to upon death. And שאלה in the sense of borrowing (Ex. 22:13) essentially means removing an item, sometimes never to be returned (ibid. 3:22). שאלה in the sense of “asking” in essence is a request for someone to impart a portion of his knowledge, an action the providing an answer may not always be eager to do, such as when the information is proprietary, or confidential for some other reason. In any case, once an answer is provided, the “cat’s out of the bag”; it no longer belongs exclusively to the answerer – it has been removed from its previous possessor’s sole custody.
Other examples of of “phantom alephs” are “שאט”, whose Aramaic counterpart is 1. “שט”, per Rashi, 2. “צאלים”, per Ibn Ezra, 3. “חלאמה”, per Radak, as follows: יחז’ טז:נז – בנות פלשתים השאטות אותך מסביב; רש”י – השאטות – לשון בזיון, ולא קרינן ‘א’. ויבז (בר’ כה:לד) מתרגמינן: ושט. אב”ע איוב מ:כא – צאלים – כמו צללים והא’ תחת אות הכפל כמו אשר בזאו (ישע’ יח:ב). רד”ק ש”ב י:יז – חלאמה – הוא חלם הנזכר והה’ כה’ מצרימה והא’ נוספת למשך.
Rabbi Yehoshua (Jeremy) Steinberg